ATTENTION: Coaches, Course Creators, and Online Marketers Seeking the Ultimate Solution to Skyrocket Their Profits... Discover the Secret Weapon to End Your Online Earning Struggles Today!

Introducing a Revolutionary, High-Quality PLR Product That You Can Brand As Your Own And Reap The Rewards Like Never Before!

  • Gain Full Access to a Fresh, Cutting-Edge Product, Complete with Editable Rights!
  • Tap into a Massive Global Audience!
  • Dive into an Evergreen Niche Bursting with Demand!
  • Rebrand, Revamp, and Reign as the Author - the Choice is Yours!
  • Supercharge Your Membership Site, Enrich Your Blog, or Split the Content for Multiple Uses!

Are You Tired Of Constantly

Struggling To Make Money Online?

Exhausted From Searching For The Perfect Product To Sell?

Creating a digital product is fraught with challenges, from the initial concept to the final launch. The process demands not only creativity and expertise but also a significant investment of time and resources.

For many, it's a path filled with obstacles: technical hurdles, market research complexities, and the daunting task of content creation. These challenges can be overwhelming, especially for those new to the digital landscape.

Moreover, the digital marketplace is fiercely competitive. Standing out requires not just a unique product but also exceptional marketing strategies.

The constant pressure to innovate, coupled with the rapid pace of technological advancements, can make product creation feel like an uphill battle..

The frustration intensifies when, after all the effort, the product fails to resonate with the target audience or gets overshadowed by competitors.

This cycle of hard work and disappointment leads many to question their path, looking for a more straightforward solution to break into the market successfully.

You wonder, is there a shortcut?

Is there a way to leapfrog the painstaking process of product creation, to bypass the heartache of seeing your hard work go unnoticed and unappreciated?

The constant nagging worry about dwindling resources, the anxiety of the ticking clock as time and opportunities slip through your fingers, the frustration of seeing others succeed where you stumble... it's a nightmarish reality that plagues every ambitious entrepreneur.

Now, pause for a moment and imagine...

Imagine having a ready-to-sell digital product, expertly crafted, and packed with valuable, in-demand information, just waiting for your personal touch. A product so enticing, so rich in quality, that it practically sells itself.

Imagine the relief of bypassing the grueling creation process, the joy of having a product you're proud to put your name on, the excitement of watching your sales skyrocket, and the satisfaction of finally moving ahead in the race.

Stay tuned, as what we're about to unveil will be a game-changer in your online journey...


How To Craft The Life You Want -

Creating A Better Tomorrow

A comprehensive, turnkey solution meticulously designed to unlock the full potential of the booming personal development niche. Seamlessly crafted with passion and expertise, this toolkit is your golden ticket to unparalleled success. With 'How To Craft The Life You Want,' you're not just accessing content; you're embracing a complete blueprint for triumph in a thriving market.

Allow Us To Unveil The Treasure Trove

Of Value You're About To Access

Module 1 - High-Quality Rebrandable eBook:

"How To Craft The Life

You Want"

This an easy-to-follow eBook packed with practical advice to help you transform your life. It's crafted to guide anyone towards personal growth, offering step-by-step strategies that are simple to implement.

This guide is special because you can change it to fit your style or brand, making it perfect for sharing in your own unique way.

Whether you're looking to inspire others through social media, teach with online courses, or write engaging blog posts, this eBook is versatile.

It's designed to be a cornerstone for content creators in the personal development field, helping you to stand out and connect with your audience on a deeper level.

By incorporating "Unlock Your Dream Life" into your offerings, you not only enhance your credibility but also provide real value to those looking to make positive changes in their lives. This eBook is more than just information; it's a roadmap to growth and success, tailored by you for your followers.

In sharing this guide, you're positioned to inspire change, foster personal development, and ultimately, grow your business. It's an invaluable tool for anyone in the space of helping others, simplifying the journey towards crafting a fulfilling life.

Take a look at the content of the eBook below and see for yourself just how stunning the quality is...

Table of Contents


1. How Personal Values and Goals Shape Your Life.........................6

Understanding Personal Values..............................................................................6

The Role of Past Experiences.....................................................................................7

Reflective Exercise.............................................................................................................7

Identifying Your Personal Values............................................................................8

Setting Personal Goals...................................................................................................9

The Power of Visualization..........................................................................................9

Envisioning Your Ideal Future.................................................................................10

Overcoming Challenges.............................................................................................10

Maintaining Motivation and Focus.......................................................................11

2. Setting Realistic Goals to Craft the Life You Want....................12

Understanding Realistic Goals................................................................................13

Characteristics of Achievable Goals.....................................................................13

Short-term vs. Long-term Goals............................................................................14

Balancing Short-Term and Long Term Planning.................................................................................................................................14

Overcoming Challenges in Goal Setting..........................................................15

Tools to Help You Set Goals.......................................................................................16

3. Developing a Positive Mindset to Craft the Life You Want....17

The Essence of a Positive Mindset........................................................................17

Psychological Benefits.................................................................................................18

Strategies for Cultivating Positivity......................................................................18


Strategies to Build Resilience..................................................................................19

Overcoming Common Mental Barriers...........................................................20

Role of Self-Awareness in a Positive Mindset..............................................20

Incorporating Positivity into Daily Routines and Habits ......................21

Impact of the Environment and Relationships on Positivity.............21

Maintaining a Positive Mindset Long-Term..................................................21

4. Effective Time Management to Craft the Life You Want.......23

The Importance of Time Management...........................................................23

Understanding the Value of Time.......................................................................24

Techniques for Prioritizing Tasks..........................................................................24

Strategies for Managing Time Efficiently........................................................25

Balancing Work, Personal Life, and Leisure..................................................25

Overcoming Common Time Management Challenges......................26

Maintaining Effective Time Management................................................... 26

Importance of Consistency and Discipline...................................................26

Tips for Staying Motivated and on Track.........................................................27

5. Build Healthy Habits to Craft the Life You Want......................28

The Power of Small, Daily Habits.........................................................................28

Understanding the Impact of Habits on Well-being.............................28

Key Areas for Habit Development.......................................................................29

Forming Healthy Dietary Habits...........................................................................29

The Role of Exercise in Personal Development..........................................30

Prioritizing Sleep for Optimal Health................................................................30

1. Developing a Positive Mindset............................................................................31

2. Building Resilience....................................................................................................31

3. Effective Time Management..............................................................................32

6. Build Strong Relationships to Craft the Life You Want..........33

The Role of Relationships in Crafting a Fulfilling Life............................ 33

Understanding the Dynamics of Relationships.........................................34

Nurturing Personal Relationships.......................................................................34

Fostering Professional Relationships.................................................................35

1. The Importance of Networking and Maintaining

Positive Work Relationships.....................................................................................35

2. Collaboration, Professional Empathy, and Mutual

Support in the Workplace.........................................................................................35

3. Effective Communication in Relationships..............................................36

4. Resolving Conflicts Constructively.................................................................36

Emotional Intelligence................................................................................................37

1. Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Relationships............................37

2. Developing Self-awareness, Empathy, and Emotional


3. Setting and Respecting Boundaries in Relationships......................38

4. Maintaining Long-Term Relationships.......................................................38

7. Continuous Learning to Craft the Life You Want......................39

Continuous Learning: A Lifelong Journey......................................................39

The Essence of Lifelong Learning........................................................................39

Personal Development Through Continuous Learning.......................40

Professional Advancement and Continuous Learning.........................40

Mental Agility: A Benefit of Lifelong Learning............................................40

Continuous Learning in Your Daily Life...........................................................40

1. Setting Learning Goals.............................................................................................41

2. Allocating Time for Learning...............................................................................41

3. Leveraging Technology...........................................................................................41

4. Utilizing Resources for Learning.....................................................................42

5. Overcoming Challenges in Lifelong Learning................................................................................................................................42

The Future of Continuous Learning...................................................................42

1. Microlearning................................................................................................................43

2. AI-Driven Personalized Learning....................................................................43

3. Future Landscape of Lifelong Learning......................................................43


Sample Pages

Over 8,514 Words 44 Pages Of Content!

Attractive Chapters and Sub-Chapters Images Included!

Module 2 - Five Professionally Designed eBook Covers

We know how important first impressions are, especially in the digital space.

That's why we're including five professionally designed eBook covers to make "How To Craft The Life You Want" stand out in any marketplace. Each cover has been meticulously crafted by our in-house design team to catch the eye and ignite curiosity.

The modern, striking designs will instantly convey the high quality of your eBook, enhancing its perceived value and boosting your credibility.

And the best part? You get to choose the one that best fits your brand or use different ones for various platforms or marketing campaigns.

With these attractive eBook covers , you're sure to capture attention, make a lasting impression, and ultimately drive more sales.

Module 3 - Interactive Workbook:

"How To Craft The Life You Want" Action Guide

Ready to put theory into practice? We're also including an interactive workbook, designed to complement the eBook and reinforce the powerful strategies it contains.

"How To Craft The Life You Want Action Guide" is much more than a simple companion to the eBook - it's a tool to spark action, inspire progress, and track results.

This workbook encourages readers to actively apply the knowledge they've gained, helping them make significant strides in personal growth and development.

It includes exercises, checklists, and reflection questions to help readers delve deeper into the material, apply what they've learned, and track their progress.

And of course, it's fully rebrandable. You can edit it, add your branding, and use it to provide even more value to your customers.

The How To Craft The Life You Want Action Guide" serves as the ideal tool to keep your audience stimulated, enthusiastic, and accountable as they tread the path of mastering morning motivation. It fosters continual personal development and bolsters mental resilience in the face of the day's challenges.

Module 4 - Cheat Sheet

The CHEAT SHEET is an excellent tool for your customers. It simply and effectively breaks down each and every aspect of the training for them into easily actionable steps.

This will allow them to more quickly master the process.

This will help to keep your customers happy, which keeps you happy as well. This is a free bonus which makes the whole offer more enticing.

Module 5 - Ready Made Sales Letter & Thank You Page

We hired a top notch copywriter to create an amazingly high converting sales page for this funnel.

This is a sales page which was written strictly for conversions , meaning you don't have to even think about writing sales copy on your own, or pay a Professional Copywriter $2,000's to do it.

Module 6 - Hypnotic

Sales Video Promo

To make promoting your front end offer and making sales even easier, we’re giving you 2 videos to choose from.

Professionally created normal sales video.

These videos have been carefully crafted using the 'hypnotic' copywriting formula that will ENGAGE your visitors and skyrocket the overall sales conversions.

Module 7 - Full Set of Professionally Designed Graphics

You're going to get the complete set of professionally designed graphics, including any CD/DVD covers , artwork necessary to sell the product, and a whole lot more.

This will make the training more presentable, and much easier to sell. You'll be given the image files in PSD format , so you'll be able to edit them however you want, and make them all your own.

Add any logos or images you want to any or all of them. You'll also get PNG files as well, so you can upload them as is, you choose to do that instead.

Module 8 - 5 High Converting Promotional Email Swipes

If your customers don’t buy your product initially, that doesn’t mean you’re out of luck... increase your dollars per customer substantially with this 5 professionally written email follow-up sequence!

Simply choose your choice of email swipe, pick a subject line, paste it all to your autoresponder and you're done!

Module 9 - 10 High-Impact Social Media Image Pack

In the age of social media, the power of visually compelling content cannot be overstated. That's why we're equipping you with a pack of 10 high-quality social media images , perfectly tailored to enhance your online presence and engagement.

These professionally designed images are not just aesthetically pleasing, but they're also crafted to inspire, motivate, and resonate with your audience.

They're perfect for sharing on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest to generate interest, attract followers, and drive traffic to your offer.

Whether you're looking to create a buzz before your launch or keep the momentum going post-launch, these social media images can help you captivate your audience and amplify your message .

Module 10 - 10 Cutting-Edge Short Videos

Welcome to the era of short-form video content! It's no secret that short videos are dominating the digital space. They're quick, engaging, and perfect for our fast-paced, mobile-first world. To ensure you're not left behind, we're providing a collection of 10 high-quality short videos.

These videos are not just any videos. They're specially designed following the latest trends, taking into account the shift towards more dynamic, visually engaging content.

Short videos are the key to capturing attention increasing engagement, and driving massive traffic. They're perfect for social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, YouTube Short, Facebook Reels, LinkedIn Stories,

and even the growing trend of video content in email marketing.

Each video has been professionally crafted to retain viewers' attention and keep them wanting more. They're concise yet packed with value, ensuring your audience gains meaningful knowledge in a format they love and engage with the most.

With this collection of trend-conscious short videos, you're not just offering a product, but an engaging experience. You're staying ahead of the curve, meeting your audience where they are, and setting your brand up for unparalleled success.

Module 11 - Private Label Rights License

The cherry on top of this comprehensive package? The freedom and flexibility that comes with a Private Label Rights License.

This isn't just a product; it's an opportunity. An opportunity to take high-quality, in-demand content and make it your own. With our generous PLR license, you have the ability to rebrand, edit, or even break apart the components of "How To Craft The Life You Want" to fit your specific needs and business goals.

Want to establish yourself as an authority in the AI niche? Put your name on this high-quality product.

Looking to provide continuous value to your subscribers? Break down the content for a series of informative blog posts or email newsletters. Need high-value upsells for your product funnel? Use the videos or workbook.

The possibilities are endless when it comes to leveraging this product for your business. And the best part? You're saving time and resources by using our ready-made, professional content.

This PLR License is more than just a permit; it's your ticket to effortless online success in the booming AI niche.

Your Fast Action Bonuses

Act now and you'll also gain access to these exclusive,

time-limited bonuses to enhance your

'How To Craft The Life You Want' PLR Package.

Bonus 1: The Ultimate PLR Handbook: Innovative Strategies for Maximizing Your PLR Package's Earning Potential

A Comprehensive Guide to Maximizing Your PLR Package." This in-depth guide lays out practical, hands-on strategies to make the most out of each component of your PLR package, transforming it into a dynamic resource for your business.

Whether it's the re-brandable eBook, short videos, social media image pack, or the workbook, every module comes with its own set of strategic applications.

It is not just a guide— it's your roadmap to success . This guide will help you understand how to get the most out of your PLR products , giving you the knowledge to turn every piece of content into a money-making asset .

Bonus 2: PLR Sales Funnels Training Set-up

Of course, we won't leave you alone. We really want you to make money with this as quickly as possible. For that reason, we are proud to offer this amazing, hot bonus that will get you up and running selling your product in no time.

Here we’re talking about a detailed video training that will show you every detail you need to know to set up your killer sales funnel in the shortest time possible.

It's almost like having your very own coach who shows you exactly what to do - "Go here, click this, do this" and so on. We made sure every step was crystal clear so that there's no doubt in your mind how to set up your PLR Package.


The quality of this course blows me away and I’m not only talking about the information. Each page is professional designed, all the copy is written to convert like crazy. If you’re looking for a high quality PLR product to sell as your own and make massive ROI starting today I highly suggest picking up this course.

All of Sajan’s products absolutely rock. Great Job!

Kevin Fahey

Sajan and his team always produce supreme quality PLR products and this is not exception because you have everything “Done for You” that you need to succeed with the topic covered. Their high quality PLR packages truly saves you time, money and solve the product creation headache. Well done Sajan for bringing out yet another fantastic product.

Dr. Amit Pareek

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

Because we don’t want anything to hold you back from getting this now, we’re going to make this simple by giving you the next 30 days to make sure this is for you...

If you change your mind for ANY reason, just let us know, and we’ll get you a refund of every dime... The only way you can lose is by missing out on the special price and free bonuses…

Here Is What You Get Today:

  • Module 1 - Premium Quality eBook
  • Module 2 - 5 eBook Covers
  • Module 3 - Workbook
  • Module 4 - "How To Craft The Life You Want" Cheat Sheet
  • Module 5 - Ready Made Sales Letter & Thank You Page
  • Module 6 - Hypnotic Sales Video Promo
  • Module 7 - Full Set of Professionally Designed Graphics
  • Module 8 - 5 High Converting Promotional Email Swipes
  • Module 9 - 10 High-Impact Social Media Image Pack
  • Module 10 - 10 x Short Videos License Pack
  • Module 11 - Private Label Rights License

Your Fast Action Bonuses

  • Bonus 1: The Ultimate PLR Handbook: Innovative Strategies for Maximizing Your PLR Package's Earning Potential
  • Bonus 2: PLR Sales Funnels Set-up Training

Act Now - Don’t Delay!

We need to make one thing very clear – this exclusive, high-quality PLR package will NOT be available at this price forever. In fact, the value it offers is so immense that we're planning to triple the price in the near future.

This is not a marketing gimmick. This is a serious opportunity for you to secure a top-quality PLR product at a fraction of its true worth.

So , if you're serious about launching a profitable online business with the power of AI, you need to take action today.

You don't want to look back and regret missing out on this opportunity when you had the chance.Don't let the future pass you by.

Act now, and secure your copy of "How To Craft The Life You Want" at this incredibly low price. Remember, the clock is ticking, and this offer will not last forever!

Get instant access now before the price goes up. This is truly a limited offer.

Well See You Inside

Sajan Elanthoor


What are the PLR Rights?

You get full rights to add your name and claim the content as your own. You are free to sell the course anywhere or in any way that you see fit. Pretty much the only thing you can’t do is pass on the PLR rights to your buyers.

How Much For All Of This?

It all starts at just $14.95. This is structured as a dime sale, so the price is increasing… After 4 days, the price will be $37 (which is still a GREAT deal)

What Does This Focus On?

How To Craft The Life You Want focuses on helping individuals overcome burnout and regain balance in their personal and professional lives. This comprehensive course provides practical strategies, tools, and techniques to identify, manage, and overcome burnout effectively.

Why Should I Get This Today?

Because it’s one the highest quality PLR offering being offered online… One sale pays for itself, and the course is packed full of goodies that you can use to profit with yourself.

I’ve Bought Low-Quality PLR In The Past… What Makes This Different?

This PLR was created by a team of professionals to ensure a high level of quality. All of the content was done by a native English speaker, and the content is up-to-date with what’s relevant in 2023.

I Need PLR Videos Of This Training, What Should I do?

You can grab the videos in the upsell page (you’ll be lead to the upsell page after this purchase where you get videos along with another awesome modules.

Are There Any Ongoing Fees?

Just a one-time investment is required to get started.

What if I’m Not Technically Savvy?

It’s incredibly easy to set everything up. You’ll receive detailed instructions that make setup a breeze.

Yes. 30-day, no questions asked, money-back guarantee. There’s NO risk.

How Do I get Started?

Click the button below to get INSTANT ACCESS…

YES! I Want How To Craft The Life You Want Access Now!

License Details

  • Can be packaged with other products.
  • Can be edited completely, add to content, take apart, renamed or sell as is.
  • Can Add This Product to a Paid Membership Site.
  • Can be used to create audio/webinar/video products.
  • Can Give Away The Product (NOT The Source Code Files) To Your Subscribers, Members or Customers as a Bonus or Gift.
  • Can change sales page and/or graphics.
  • Can be translated into other languages.
  • Can give away for free in exchange of a lead.
  • Can claim full authorship with no attribution.
  • Can edit or create your own covers for this product.
  • Can be used in physical products.
  • Can Sell resell rights.
  • Can sell master resell rights.
  • Can sell private label rights.
  • Offered through auction sites, dime sales/firesales or on Fiverr.
  • Sell or giveaway your license to the content
  • You can’t edit or flip to sell in your PLR store!
  • Add to free membership sites.
  • Sold as a Kindle book (against Amazon's terms of service and can get your account banned).

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