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10 Ways To Make Money With PLR

When you purchase high-quality PLR there are a number of ways that you can make money with it. There is lots of content and videos online that show you ways to make money from your PLR, but unfortunately, a lot of the methods shown are out of date and will not work anymore.

The other problem is that the methods suggested are not practical and take a great deal of time to implement. So, we will provide you with 10 proven ways that you can make money from your high-quality PLR that are not difficult to do and will not take too much of your time.

#1 – Create your own Product from the PLR

When you have your own product, you will be perceived as an expert in your niche. Your target audience will respect you for having the knowledge and putting in the time, effort and money to create your own product.

Creating your own product from scratch will be a big investment for you. If you choose to do everything yourself then it will take you a lot of time to get everything right. You can outsource certain aspects of the product creation to expert freelancers, but there is a cost involved here and the best freelancers will charge high prices.

A much better idea is to use your high-quality PLR as the basis for your new product. Make sure that your PLR is of the highest quality. At we spend thousands on the creation of our PLR packages to ensure the highest quality. You need to do more than just add your name as the author here. There are changes necessary to really make the PLR unique to you so that you can charge whatever you want for it.

We have a post “how to rebrand PLR and make it unique” which goes into this in more detail and we urge you to take a look at this. If you just add your name to the PLR and sell it as it is then you can still make money but you will be competing with a lot of other people doing the same thing.

#2 – Just Add your Name and sell it as is

There is no reason why you should not use the high-quality PLR as it is with the done-for-you funnel and sell it directly. All you need to do here is to add your name as the author and your website URL.

Other changes you will need to make are:

  • Adding your PayPal or other payment processor link to the sales page
  • Adding your name and website URL to the sales page
  • Changing the links on the download page to your web hosting so your customers can download everything correctly

You need to determine the best price to sell the PLR for. Always bear in mind that others that have purchased the same PLR are likely to do the same thing. So, you may have to charge a lower price than the high-quality content is worth to make sales.

This is not a lot of work and you can be up and running in a few minutes. We are assuming here that you know how to upload files using an FTP client or File Manager in cPanel.

#3 – Use the PLR content for Blog Posts

With a high-quality PLR package, there will be very valuable information that you can use to make posts for your own website or blog. You can then add affiliate links to related products and services or even links to your own related products and services.

Use the PLR content to create a “how-to” post for example. These are really popular and your visitors will appreciate these kinds of posts. If you are going to use the PLR content for posts on your site then you need to make it unique first. This means that you will need to rewrite it or outsource this task. Check it using before posting it.

#4 – Use PLR Content for your Autoresponder

Create an email list using your high-quality PLR. You can create a giveaway report (or purchase this as an upgrade to your PLR package) to entice visitors to sign up for your list. Then you can provide high-value emails to your subscribers from the PLR content.

There is no need to change any of the PLR content when you do this as there are no duplicate content issues to worry about. Add related affiliate offers to your emails so that you can make commissions. This is a quick and effective way to use your PLR content.

#5 – Create an Autoresponder Membership from PLR

Use your high-quality PLR to create content for an autoresponder monthly membership. Your customers will pay you a small amount each month like $5 to receive automated emails from you that provide value. To ensure customer retention, always use the highest quality PLR like we provide at

This is a lot easier than setting up a full-blown membership website. As long as you provide value to your customers, they will happily keep paying you $5 a month for example to keep receiving the information in their inbox.

#6 – Use your High-Quality PLR to create an Email Course

You can use your high-quality PLR to create an email course in your niche. This can be a mini course of between 7 to 10 emails that you can either sell or give away as an incentive to join your email list. A mini-email course like this has a higher perceived value than an eBook.

All you need to do is to organize your PLR content into separate emails that provide the step-by-step training. Once you have done that just load them up in your autoresponder and start getting the word out about your great training course.

#7 – Use your High-Quality PLR to create Training Videos

Video training has a higher perceived value than any text-based training. People prefer to watch videos these days and you can easily create your videos using your PLR content using something like Vidnami or InVideo. You do not have to appear on camera if you don’t want to.

Sell this as a video training product, a video mini-course to entice people to sign up for your email list or just upload the videos as a series on YouTube to drive free traffic to your website and offers.

#8 – Create Audio Files with your High-Quality PLR

People really like to listen to audio files in MP3 format these days so you can use your high-quality PLR to create podcasts or an audio series that your customers can purchase from you. You can provide your own voiceover, outsource this or use a text-to-speech converter tool.

#9 – Social Media Marketing and PLR

You can break up your high-quality PLR content into posts that you can use on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn for example. The content does not have to be unique for Facebook and Twitter but you need to make it unique for LinkedIn as Google indexes their posts.

#10 – Turn your PLR Content into a Webinar


Create a valuable webinar presentation using your high-quality PLR and then promote a related high-ticket product at the end. Webinars are a very effective way to promote high-ticket offers and it will be pretty easy for you to create a great webinar from top-quality PLR content like we can provide you at

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